Mr Amit Agrawal MBBS MS FRCSEd DM FRCS, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon diagnoses and manages Breast Cancer (including a family history of Breast Cancer) besides Benign Breast conditions (lump, pain, nipple discharge, altered shape etc.).


"Oncoplastic" Breast surgery is the latest cutting-edge amalgamation of the 'science' of Oncology with the 'art' of Surgery. He introduced the newest range of unprecedented Oncoplastic options in Cambridgeshire's NHS and private sector in 2014.  


Surgery alone provides the most benefit in early-stage breast cancer and remains the single best treatment.


Therefore, uncompromising quality of Surgery, attention to utmost finer details and a perfectionist approach are vital for both Survival and the Quality of Life! 


Mr Agrawal would assess the adverse impact of Surgery on breast aesthetics, body image, psychological state and sexuality of the individual woman. Therefore, whilst managing breast cancer, he would maintain the aesthetics and, at times, improve the aesthetics to ensure a "Life to the Living"!


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